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SofIA - The AI-Based Virtual Assistant for your company

The revolution of support thanks to artificial intelligence

SofIA is the GPT-based digital assistant that helps companies become more efficient in post-sales and customer support processes in the mechanical sector. With SofIA, you can reduce response times, generate valuable insights, and accelerate colleague training within the company, eliminating all bottlenecks and the dispersion of corporate information for a service that delights customers and helps reduce times and costs related to request management.

SofIA takes post-sales service to new levels, offering not only immediate answers but also an educational and visual approach that enhances user autonomy and minimizes machine downtime.

All of this is made possible through a standalone web application, but most importantly, it is integrated with the Softeam product suite, based on generative artificial intelligence and also integrable into third-party systems: SofIA is the latest piece of a revolution already underway for customer support 5.0.

  • Do you want to reduce first-level support management times, which often answers the same questions?
  • Do you want to train new company resources in record time?
  • Do you want to speed up the resolution times of support tickets?
SofIA - The AI-Based Virtual Assistant for your company

Benefits for your company

The advantages of SofIA for operational customer support management.
How to harness the full potential of artificial intelligence for customer support tools in the mechanical sector:

Increased Operational Efficiency

Instant Responses: SofIA’s promptness in addressing requests reduces wait times and increases operational efficiency.

Improved Customer Experience

SofIA is designed to offer an advanced user experience. Thanks to its ability to understand the context and conversational nature of interactions, users will feel like they are interacting with a real industry expert.

Remote Technical Support

SofIA can collaborate with field technicians, providing detailed instructions, schematics, and visual guides to solve problems in real-time, reducing machine downtime.

Simple Integration

SofIA easily integrates with your existing systems, minimizing implementation time and ensuring a seamless experience.

Continuous Learning

Constant Adaptation: SofIA evolves continuously, learning from interactions and improving its ability to provide increasingly accurate and relevant answers.

SofIA - The AI-Based Virtual Assistant for your company

Main Features

High-Performance Post-Sales Service with SofIA:
SofIA stands out in the mechanical sector not only for its ability to solve technical problems but also for its advanced features in post-sales service, ensuring comprehensive and personalized support.

  • Interactive Work Instructions

    SofIA provides interactive operational instructions, guiding users through complex maintenance or installation processes. Through intuitive conversation, it provides detailed step-by-step guidance, making the execution of technical tasks more manageable.

  • Multimedia In-Depth Materials

    SofIA offers educational materials in various formats to facilitate understanding. From detailed PDF guides to explanatory videos, users have access to a wide range of multimedia resources to learn and independently resolve issues.

  • Visual PDF Guides

    SofIA searches and provides detailed PDF guides, enriched with images, diagrams, and charts. These documents can be easily downloaded and shared, providing essential visual support for post-sales activities.

  • Explanatory Video Tutorials

    In addition to written guides, SofIA searches and offers explanatory video tutorials. These videos provide a visual overview of operational procedures, helping reduce errors and speeding up the learning process.

  • Interactive Chat with Visual Support

    SofIA supports interactive chat with visual sharing capabilities. Users can send images or videos of encountered issues, allowing SofIA to better understand the context and provide more accurate solutions.

  • Remote Troubleshooting

    SofIA facilitates remote problem resolution, allowing technicians to connect directly with users. Through a secure connection, SofIA guides technicians in troubleshooting and real-time issue resolution.

  • Personalized Resource Archive

    SofIA maintains a personalized archive of resources based on past interactions. This allows users to easily access previously shared documents and guides, ensuring continuity in operations and facilitating the resolution process.

  • Remote Technical Support

    To quickly address technical challenges, SofIA offers a remote technical support service. Using innovative technologies, SofIA can collaborate with field technicians, providing detailed instructions, schematics, and visual guides to resolve issues in real-time, reducing machine downtime.

  • Customized Training

    SofIA can be customized to fit the specific needs of your industry. We offer personalized training services to ensure that SofIA fully understands the technical language and peculiarities of your business, ensuring an accurate and relevant response in every interaction.

Try SofIA

Become a beta tester of the generative AI-based Assistant that makes your reality more efficient